2017 Rules of Tennis (English)

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40 motion where the application or motion, in the opinion of the Chairperson can be resolved in a fair manner without a hearing. 10. PROCEDURE OF THE RULING BOARD 10.1 The Chairperson of a Ruling Board shall determine the appropriate form, procedure and date of any review and/or hearing. 10.2 The Chairperson shall provide written notice of those matters set out at 10.1 above to any Applicant or any person or association who has expressed an interest in the proposed Ruling. 10.3 The Chairperson shall determine all matters relating to evidence and shall not be bound by judicial rules governing procedure and admissibility of evidence provided that the review and/or hearing is conducted in a fair manner with a reasonable opportunity for the relevant parties to present their case. 10.4 Under these procedures any review and/or hearings: a. Shall take place in private. b. May be adjourned and/or postponed by the Ruling Board. 10.5 The Chairperson shall have the discretion to co-opt from time to time additional members onto the Ruling Board with special skill or experience to deal with specific issues, which require such special skill or experience. 10.6 The Ruling Board shall take its decision by a simple majority. No member of the Ruling Board may abstain. 10.7 The Chairperson shall have the complete discretion to make such order against the Applicant [and/or other individuals or organisations commenting objecting or requesting information at any review and/or hearing] in relation to the costs of the application and/or the reasonable expenses incurred by the Ruling Board in holding tests or obtaining reports relating to equipment subject to a Ruling as he shall deem appropriate. 11. NOTIFICATION 11.1 Once a Ruling Board has reached a decision it shall provide written notice to the Applicant, or, any person or association who has expressed an interest in the proposed Ruling as soon as reasonably practicable. 11.2 Such written notice shall include a summary of the reasoning behind the decision of the Ruling Board. 11.3 Upon notification to the Applicant or upon such other date specified by the Ruling Board the Ruling of the Ruling Board shall be immediately binding under the Rules of Tennis. 12. APPLICATION OF CURRENT RULES OF TENNIS 12.1 Subject to the power of the Ruling Board to issue interim Rulings the current Rules of Tennis shall continue to apply until any review and/or hearing of the Ruling Board is concluded and a Ruling issued by the Ruling Board. 12.2 Prior to and during any review and/or hearing the Chairperson of the Ruling Board may issue such directions as are deemed reasonably necessary in the implementation of the Rules of Tennis and of these procedures including the issue of interim Rulings. 12.3 Such interim Rulings may include restraining orders on the use of any

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