2017 Rules of Tennis (English)

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39 6.3 The Chairperson shall be entitled to regulate the procedures prior to and at any review and/or hearing of a Ruling Board. 7. PROPOSED RULINGS BY THE RULING BOARD 7.1 The details of any proposed Ruling issued upon the motion of the Board of Directors may be provided to any bona fide person or any players, equipment manufacturer or national association or members thereof with an interest in the proposed Ruling. 7.2 Any person so notified shall be given a reasonable period within which to forward comments, objections, or requests for information to the President or his designee in connection with the proposed Ruling. 8. APPLICATION FOR RULINGS 8.1 An application for a Ruling may be made by any party with a bona fide interest in the Ruling including any player, equipment manufacturer or national association or member thereof. 8.2 Any application for a Ruling must be submitted in writing to the President. 8.3 To be valid an application for a Ruling must include the following minimum information: a. The full name and address of the Applicant. b. The date of the application. c. A statement clearly identifying the interest of the Applicant in the question upon which a Ruling is requested. d. All relevant documentary evidence upon which the Applicant intends to rely at any hearing. e. If, in the opinion of the Applicant, expert evidence is necessary he shall include a request for such expert evidence to be heard. Such request must identify the name of any expert proposed and their relevant expertise. f. When an application for a Ruling on a racket or other piece of equipment is made, a prototype or, exact, copy of the equipment in question must be submitted with the application for a Ruling. g. If, in the opinion of the Applicant, there are extraordinary or unusual circumstances, which require a Ruling to be made within a specified time or before a specified date he shall include a statement describing the extraordinary or unusual circumstances. 8.4 If an application for a Ruling does not contain the information and/or equipment referred to at Clause 8. 3 (a)-(g) above the President or his designee shall notify the Applicant giving the Applicant a specified reasonable time within which to remedy the defect. If the Applicant fails to remedy the defect within the specified time the application shall be dismissed. 9. CONVENING THE RULING BOARD 9.1 On receipt of a valid application or on the motion of the Board of Directors the President or his designee may convene a Ruling Board to deal with the application or motion. 9.2 The Ruling Board need not hold a hearing to deal with an application or

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