2017 Rules of Tennis (English)

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26 3. MATCH TIE-BREAK (10 POINTS) When the score in a match is one set all, or two sets all in best of five sets matches, one tie-break game shall be played to decide the match. This tie-break game replaces the deciding final set. The player/team who first wins ten points shall win this match tie-break and the match provided there is a margin of two points over the opponent(s). Note: When using the match tie-break to replace the final set: the original order of service continues. (Rules 5 and 14) in doubles, the order of serving and receiving within the team may be altered, as in the beginning of each set. (Rules 14 and 15) before the start of the match tie-break there shall be a 120 seconds set break. balls should not be changed before the start of the match tie-break even if a ball change is due. CHANGE OF ENDS (Rule 10): This alternative to the change of ends sequence in a tie-break game may be used. During a tie-break game, players shall change ends after the first point and thereafter after every four points. THE LET DURING A SERVICE (Rule 22): This alternative is play without the service let in Rule 22 a. It means that a serve that touches the net, strap or band, is in play. (This alternative is commonly known as the "no let rule"). FOR A TWO-YEAR TRIAL (2016-2017), THE ALTERNATIVE FAST4 FORMAT MAY BE USED. When the FAST4 format is used the following alternative methods may be used: SCORE IN A SET A set is complete once a player/team reaches four (4) games. A FAST4 tie-break is played when the score reaches three (3) games all. In a FAST4 tie-break the player/team who first wins five (5) points shall win the set,

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