2017 Rules of Tennis (English)

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25 APPENDIX V ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURES AND SCORING METHODS SCORE IN A GAME (Rule 5): "No-Ad" SCORING METHOD This alternative scoring method may be used. A "No-Ad" game is scored as follows with the server's score being called first: No point - "Love" First point - "15" Second point - "30" Third point - "40" Fourth point - "Game" If both players/teams have won three points each, the score is "Deuce" and a deciding point shall be played. The receiver(s) shall choose whether to receive the service from the right half or the left half of the court. In doubles, the players of the receiving team cannot change positions to receive this deciding point. The player/team who wins the deciding point wins the "Game". In mixed doubles, the player of the same gender as the server shall receive the deciding point. The players of the receiving team cannot change positions to receive the deciding point. SCORE IN A SET (Rules 6 and 7): 1. "SHORT" SETS The first player/team who wins four games wins that set, provided there is a margin of two games over the opponent(s). If the score reaches four games all, a tie-break game shall be played. 2. MATCH TIE-BREAK (7 POINTS) When the score in a match is one set all, or two sets all in best of five sets matches, one tie-break game shall be played to decide the match. This tie-break game replaces the deciding final set. The player/team who first wins seven points shall win this match tie-break and the match provided there is a margin of two points over the opponent(s).

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