2023 ITF Annual Review

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4 Welcome I'm pleased to introduce our 2023 Annual Review and reflect on a very successful year in which the ITF made strong progress in nurturing the interna onal growth of tennis at all levels. As global guardian of the game, we are commi ed to ensuring that tennis is a sport for all. Our strategy, ITF2024+4, serves as our long-term plan for growth and it has eight key pillars, summarised on the next page. This Review details how we are delivering against our goals. We also present a summary of our full 2023 financial report, which con nues our transparency in publishing our financial performance every year. In 2023, the ITF's income was a record $117 million, a 20% increase on 2022. I'm pleased to report that we reinvested at record levels too, pu ng $113 million back into the sport. Once more we were able to convert the vast majority of our income into reinvestment to grow tennis globally, reinves ng over 90% in 2023. The ITF is one of the 'T7' group of seven stakeholders who collaborate on the professional game, working alongside the ATP, WTA and the four Grand Slam tournaments to deliver tennis worldwide. But our role in this group is unique. We are commi ed to the interna onal development of the sport from playground to podium – from the grassroots and recrea onal level through to the elite professional game – in partnership with our 213 member Na onal Associa ons and affiliated Regional Associa ons. Our work to ensure the future of tennis is varied and wide-ranging. Here are a few highlights from 2023. The ITF invested $13.2 million in interna onal tennis development during the year, a 10% increase on 2022. This supports the work of our member na ons to increase par cipa on and develop talent from the grassroots up and therefore create the next genera on of tennis players. A record 146 na ons took part in the Junior OUR ROLE IS UNIQUE. WE ARE COMMITTED TO THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF TENNIS FROM PLAYGROUND TO PODIUM - FROM THE GRASSROOTS AND RECREATIONAL LEVEL TO THE ELITE PROFESSIONAL GAME. WELCOME TO THE 2023 ITF ANNUAL REVIEW by David Haggerty, ITF President Tennis Ini a ve, our global programme to introduce children aged 14 and under to tennis, with more than 258,000 girls and boys par cipa ng. The World Tennis Number con nues to grow – 1.89 million players have now been assigned with a WTN, and 171 of our member na ons have signed up to adopt the ITF's level-based tennis ra ng as we build the world's largest online global tennis community. The ITF Academy pla orm, our online home for tennis educa on, had 350,000 users, a 35% increase on the previous year. We also held the ITF World Coaches Conference in person for the first me since the pandemic, and it was a ended by 600 coaches from 84 na ons. The ITF works to extend the global reach of tennis and ensure more na ons are represented in the top ers of the sport. We were able to celebrate several success stories in 2023. Brazil's Joao Fonseca and Mexico's Rodrigo Pacheco both reached the junior No. 1 ranking during the year, with Fonseca edging Pacheco to take the year-end top spot and be named ITF World Champion. Fonseca was the first Brazilian junior to finish the year as No. 1, and Pacheco was the first Mexican in history to reach junior No. 1.

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