2023 ITF Annual Report & Financial Statements

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25 16. Staff numbers and costs The monthly average number of people employed by the group (including directors) during the year was as follows: No. of employees 2023 No. of employees 2022 Professional Tennis 47 44 Tennis Development 27 30 Commercial 9 10 Presiden al and Communica ons 16 16 Integrity, Science and Technical 14 12 Finance and Administra on 26 21 139 133 Staff numbers in the year include an average of 10 ITF Development Officers (2022: 10) who work overseas with developing tennis na ons to ensure the ITF Development Programme is successfully implemented. The aggregate payroll costs of these employees were as follows: 2023 $000 2022 $000 Wages and salaries 11,956 11,419 Social security costs 1,362 1,354 Contribu ons to defined contribu on plans 868 767 14,186 13,540 Included above, staff costs of $498,000 were capitalised in the year in rela on to so ware development (2022: $416,000). The total staff costs of $15,070,000 (2022: $14,805,000), have been charged to the six departments as follows: 2023 $000 2022 $000 Professional Tennis 4,319 4,479 Tennis Development 1,869 2,249 Commercial 1,140 1,041 Presiden al and Communica ons 2,857 2,851 Integrity, Science and Technical 1,749 1,600 Finance and Administra on 3,136 2,585 15,070 14,805 The difference of $884,000 (2022: $1,265,000) between aggregate payroll costs and total staff costs relates to recruitment, temporary staff, training and other staff costs. ITF Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023

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