2023 ITF Annual Report & Financial Statements

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24 10. Tennis Development 2023 $000 Opera ng 2023 $000 Strategic 2022 $000 Opera ng 2022 $000 Strategic ITF Development Programme 6,578 1,244 5,370 1,441 Olympic Solidarity 327 - 287 - Development assistance grants 127 - 113 - Grand Slam Player Development Programme 2,699 - 2,653 - 9,731 1,244 8,423 1,441 Wheelchair Tennis Development Fund – - 44 - Wheelchair Tennis Development Programme 380 - 331 - Other Tennis Development costs 1,869 - 1,733 - 11,980 1,244 10,531 1,441 Other Tennis Development department costs include the online ITF Academy and staff costs. Expenditure on development projects in receipt of Olympic Solidarity funding is shown here gross. Development Strategic Ini a ve expenditure is focused on the ITF World Tennis Number project. 11. Commercial Included in the Commercial department costs are television, sponsorship, merchandising and marke ng costs. 12. Presiden al and Communica ons Included in the Presiden al and Communica ons department costs are the ITF Conference and AGM, Board of Directors' mee ngs, Regional Associa on grants, ITF World Champions Awards, ITF Cons tu on and communica ons ac vi es. 13. Integrity, Science and Technical Included in the Integrity, Science and Technical department costs are an -doping (invoiced by the ITIA), technical, ITF Founda on and Sport Science and Medicine Commission costs as well as regula on, legal and governance costs. 14. Finance and Administra on Included in the Finance and Administra on department are the costs of informa on and communica ons technology, insurance, legal and professional fees, premises, general administra on and movements in the provision for doub ul debts. Also included within Finance and Administra on costs are the net impairment losses of trade receivables of $72,000 (2022: $242,000). See note 37(b) for details. 15. Foreign exchange gain / (loss) Foreign exchange gains represents the rise in the value of foreign currency reserves held by the ITF as either working capital to fund its opera ons or for investment purposes, or foreign exchange gains realised on transac ons completed during the year. Further details on the ITF's capital management policy are disclosed in note 37(f). NOTES (CONTINUED, FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS) Notes

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