2023 ITF Annual Report & Financial Statements

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26 17. Execu ve officers' remunera on Included in the salary costs of the departments is the remunera on of the execu ve officers, which for the purposes of these financial statements, is defined as the President, the Chief Execu ve Officer and the execu ve directors, who are considered to be 'key management'. The total execu ve officers' remunera on is: 18. Pensions ITF Licensing (UK) Ltd has established a pension provision within the UK for its employees. Since 1997, contribu ons paid by the ITF towards the pension fund of an individual have been held in a fund specific to each individual, under a group personal pension scheme. Employees are not required to make any contribu ons to this fund, which provides benefits related to the value of the fund accumulated for each employee at the me of re rement. In 2023, $102,000 of contribu ons were outstanding at the balance sheet date (2022: $102,000). 19. Auditors' remunera on Amounts receivable by auditors and their associates in respect of: 2023 $000 2022 $000 Execu ve officers' remunera on 3,151 3,451 Pension contribu ons in respect of execu ve officers 485 340 3,636 3,791 2023 $000 2022 $000 Audit of these financial statements 108 70 Audit of subsidiary financial statements 93 51 Other services rela ng to taxa on 25 37 Non-audit advisory fees 39 91 265 249 NOTES (CONTINUED, FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS) 20. Investment income 2023 $000 2022 $000 Income from investments - - Realised (loss) / gain on disposal of investments (1,087) 1,042 Unrealised gain / (loss) on investments 4,745 (5,768) 3,658 (4,726) Notes

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