2022 ITF Annual Report and Financial Statements

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ITF Trust Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022 27 20. Investment income 2022 $000 2021 $000 Income from investments - 2 Realised gain on disposal of investments 1,042 3,288 Unrealised (loss) / gain on investments (5,768) 864 (4,726) 4,154 21. Finance income Recognised in profit or loss 2022 $000 2021 $000 Finance income Bank interest received 14 - Financial charge on Olympic deposits (4) (1) (10) (1) 22. Taxa on a) The ITF Trust is domiciled in the Bahamas and is therefore not subject to income tax. Two subsidiaries are subject to income tax: ITF Licensing (UK) Ltd and Hopman Cup Pty Ltd. Recognised in the income statement b) There is a deferred tax asset of $4,891,000 (2021: $5,287,000) in respect of brought forward tax losses and decelerated capital allowances which has not been recognised in the balance sheet since the ability to use it against future profits is not considered probable. Reconcilia on of effec ve tax rate 2022 $000 2021 $000 Current tax charge / (credit) Current year 39 (440) 39 (440) 2022 $000 2021 $000 Deficit for the year (2,435) (5,543) Total tax charge / (credit) 39 (440) Deficit excluding taxa on (2,396) (5,983) Tax using Bahamas corpora on tax rate of 0% (2021: 0%) - - Effect of tax rate in UK - (440) Effect of prior year adjustments in UK 39 - Total tax charge / (credit) 39 (440)

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