2022 ITF Annual Review

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2022 ITF Annual Review 15 Participation The ITF Junior Tennis Initiative 2022 in numbers ac ve JTI na ons equalling record set in 2021 142 5,410 school teachers and tennis coaches delivered sessions Playing opportuni es at 2,994 primary schools and tennis clubs At the heart of our mission to involve more people in tennis is ge ng them playing, whether that means picking up a racket for the first me or returning to the sport. In 2022, the ITF supported interna onal grassroots tennis development in a variety of ways. Junior Tennis Ini a ve (JTI) The Junior Tennis Ini a ve (JTI) is the ITF's global programme that supports na onal junior development and introduces children aged 14 and under to tennis. It provides an opportunity for kids to play for the first me and offers compe on for emerging talent. The JTI is the launchpad for many aspiring compe ve players who can then progress along the player pathway. In 2022, there were 142 na ons ac ve in the JTI, equalling the record number involved in 2021. A total of 251,737 children were introduced to tennis at primary schools or tennis clubs, an increase of 18% on 2021. Compe on entries grew by 29% to 248,431 (see graphic opposite). Ac vity levels and access to facili es con nued to return to pre-pandemic levels – 20 na ons have returned as, or become, ac ve JTI na ons since the end of 2019. Our goal is to have 150 ac ve na ons by the end of 2023, and we believe there is an opportunity to introduce even greater numbers of young people to tennis in exis ng JTI na ons, and to increase the number of compe ons available for them to play in locally. Within the JTI, we provide member Na onal Associa ons with access to resources such as rackets, nets and balls, and subsidise the ac vi es of their Na onal JTI Coordinators. Con nuous professional development opportuni es are provided to support the educa on of Na onal Coordinators and the many coaches and school teachers who deliver within the programme, with access to online resources via the ITF Academy. In 2023, all Na onal JTI Coordinators will be invited to a end the ITF World Coaches Conference (see page 23). During 2022, we introduced an online pla orm for the ac ve JTI na ons to report on their ac vi es. In 2023, we will begin using a digital tool to customise our distribu on of tennis equipment and to ensure a smarter and more sustainable alloca on to na ons worldwide. 49% girls up 18% on 2021 251,737 children introduced to tennis 51% boys 44% girls up 29% on 2021 248,431 compe on entries 56% boys Cumula ve total of The Junior Tennis Ini a ve is the launchpad for many aspiring compe ve players who can then progress along the player pathway. DEVELOPMENT

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