2022 ITF Annual Review

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The ITF's Advantage All gender equality programme aims to develop and maintain tennis as an equal advantage sport. Through Advantage All, we are commi ed to improving gender equality in all areas of the game. We want to ensure that tennis is a leading light in sport and society, and empower, inspire and enable women and girls to reach their full poten al. As you will read in the following pages, much of what we do to achieve our ITF2024 goals is underpinned by Advantage All, from providing opportuni es for everyone to get involved in the sport whatever their level and wherever they are, to ensuring equal opportuni es for aspiring female professional players, to offering equivalent prize money in Billie Jean King Cup by Gainbridge and Davis Cup. We also took a major step towards greater gender balance in the leadership of tennis when the 2022 ITF Annual General Mee ng voted to introduce a minimum requirement of five women and five men for the ITF Board from 2027 (see page 50 for more). Addi onally, we focused our a en on in the following key areas. Developing leaders The ITF runs a Leadership Programme to empower women to become leaders and decision-makers in sport, so that they are able to step up to leadership roles within the ITF Board, commi ees, commissions and at regional and na onal level. Created in 2021, we con nued the programme in 2022, providing webinars and networking sessions to support, advise and inspire the 120 women par cipa ng. The webinars were also made available to individuals working to promote gender equality in our member Na onal Associa ons. Among the Advantage All 2022 ITF Annual Review 10 mo va onal speakers were Billie Jean King, Judy Murray and wheelchair tennis legend Esther Vergeer. As part of the Leadership Programme, candidates with the ambi on, ability and opportunity to be nominated for an ITF Board posi on will be invited to join a mentoring programme. Coaching and officia ng We are commi ed to increasing the number of women tennis coaches and officials, and in 2022 we funded two female coaches to take part in a Women's Sports Leadership Academy programme to further develop their skills. ADVANTAGE ALL

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