2022 ITF Annual Review

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2022 ITF Annual Review 25 DEVELOPMENT The ITF makes tennis development projects possible across par cipa on, performance, events, educa on and facili es by providing resources and dedicated staff. Support for Regional Associa ons The ITF supported the running of our six affiliated Regional Associa ons in 2022 by providing administra on grants. The money helps them with their overall running costs, including office administra on and rent, hos ng mee ngs and other associated resources. The Regional Associa ons run some regional development projects for us and are vital hubs for our member na ons in their respec ve parts of the world. The ITF works closely with them to deliver many of our development goals and other key parts of the ITF2024 strategy. On the ground The ITF has 10 Development Officers who work full- me in regions around the world to grow the game. They are our eyes and ears on the ground. In 2022, they worked with Na onal Associa ons to help them put in place development projects, tailoring our strategy to suit local needs. The Development Officers are integral to the work delivered in all areas of the ITF's development programme. For example, they are involved in the delivery of the Junior Tennis Ini a ve, work with their na ons to embed the World Tennis Number, support coach and parent educa on programmes, work with Regional Associa ons to deliver the 12-and- under championships and help na ons apply for facility grants. They play an important role in iden fying talent in Administration and resources their regions, and at the performance level are involved in the delivery of the regional touring teams and regional performance training programmes. Na onal Associa on assistance The ITF's member Na onal Associa ons can access ITF funding and assistance for specific development projects. Funding and assistance are determined by an assessment of Development Eligibility, based on each na on's individual level of resources and representa on within professional tennis. Using these criteria, each na on is placed in an eligibility er which determines the level of support available for a par cular project. Eligibility ers are re-assessed on an annual basis.

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