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DEVELOPMENT Cap on Cap on Cap on Mongolia "Mongolia is a nation which has made distinct improvements in the last five years or so and I have high hopes for sustained and continued tennis development going forward. There is a good and active Junior Tennis Initiative within this vast nation and last year the Mongolian Tennis Association achieved white level as part of the ITF's Recognition of Coach Education Systems programme. Unfortunately, Mongolia cannot really host events at the present time because the national association does not own any courts of their own, which is one clear area for improvement. I was on a call with representatives of the Mongolia Tennis Association in December, and it was minus 30 degrees Celsius where they were, so they really need their own centre with indoor facilities. This is an ongoing project." Macau "My first-ever visit as the ITF Development Officer for South, Southeast and East Asia was to Macau in February 2018, and perhaps that helped to galvanise the nation because before there was not a huge amount of activity. These days, the Macau Tennis Association is far more engaged. They have Class B membership of the ITF and last year they achieved white level as part of the ITF's Recognition of Coach Education Systems programme, which was an important step. The national association has a really nice National Tennis Centre, which houses 10 courts, and the next step for Macau is for them to start hosting more events. They have the appetite to host, so hopefully that can start to happen this year." 36 Winter 2022/23 ITF World Malaysia plans to host 40-50 tennis events in 2023 MONGOLIA NORTH KOREA SOUTH KOREA JAPAN TAIWAN PHILIPPINES THAILAND CAMBODIA KUALA LUMPUR MACAU VIETNAM BRUNEI MALAYSIA