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2021 ITF Annual Review 4 WELCOME by David Haggerty, ITF President Welcome to the 2021 ITF Annual Review But there is so much more we want to accomplish. Tennis truly is a sport for all and can be enjoyed at any age or level of ability. It can be played by the able-bodied alongside wheelchair players. It is fun and healthy, providing a huge boost to physical and mental wellbeing. We are also commi ed to improving equality in all areas of the game through our Advantage All programme. Our first focus is gender equality – tennis has a heritage of social advocacy, and we want to con nue to be a leading light in sport and society, empowering, inspiring and enabling women and girls to reach their full poten al. I was proud to be named a United Na ons HeForShe Champion, becoming one of 14 male leaders from a range of global organisa ons nominated to be an ally championing women. As part of this, the ITF will support the UN HeForShe Alliance by commi ng to greater gender equality, with key commitments linked to a five-year ac on plan for las ng change. A lot has changed since we first set the wheels in mo on for ITF2024. As such, in early 2022 we refocused the direc on of the strategy to ensure we can con nue to deliver for the future. Our eight priori es remain, and we will priori se the following: • Par cipa on – we have a bold mission to increase worldwide par cipa on from 87 million to 120 million by 2030. • Governance – we will work with our Na onal and Regional Associa ons to adopt a new Cons tu on at our 2022 Annual General Mee ng to ensure the governance of the game remains fair and sustainable and reflects best prac ce. Six years ago, we embarked on a plan to ensure the long-term growth and sustainability of our sport. We developed the ITF2024 strategy with the mission to deliver tennis for future genera ons. At its founda on are eight key strategic priori es: investment, development, opportunity, partnerships, integrity, communica on, eleva ng the Davis Cup and Billie Jean King Cup, as well as the Olympic and Paralympic tennis events. The 2021 ITF Annual Review is testament to all that we achieved last year, despite the ongoing disrup ons caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, we reinvested more than 90% of our revenue back into the sport, much of this via our 210 member Na onal Associa ons, ensuring that we con nue to develop tennis interna onally from the grassroots up. This is an excep onally high level of investment in an unprecedented me. Together, the global tennis family successfully brought live tennis ac on back. In 2021, the ITF delivered its four major flagship events: the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics, Davis Cup and Billie Jean King Cup, formerly Fed Cup. We brought the number of ITF World Tennis Tour tournaments, the main artery of the interna onal player pathway, back to 70% of pre- pandemic levels for professionals and 88% for juniors, so players could con nue their journey to higher levels of the game. In wheelchair tennis, we returned to 87% of pre-pandemic tournament levels. We introduced more beach tennis tournaments in more loca ons, and new seniors tennis age categories at both ends of the age spectrum. In 2021, we reinvested more than 90% of our revenue back into the sport, much of this via our 210 member Na onal Associa ons, ensuring that we con nue to develop tennis interna onally from the grassroots up.