2017 Rules of Tennis (English)

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28 APPENDIX VI ROLE OF COURT OFFICIALS The referee is the final authority on all questions of tennis law and the referee's decision is final. In matches where a chair umpire is assigned, the chair umpire is the final authority on all questions of fact during the match. The players have the right to call the referee to court if they disagree with a chair umpire's interpretation of tennis law. In matches where line umpires and net umpires are assigned, they make all calls (including foot-fault calls) relating to that line or net. The chair umpire has the right to overrule a line umpire or a net umpire if the chair umpire is sure that a clear mistake has been made. The chair umpire is responsible for calling any line (including foot-faults) or net where no line umpire or net umpire is assigned. A line umpire who cannot make a call shall signal this immediately to the chair umpire who shall make a decision. If the line umpire can not make a call, or if there is no line umpire, and the chair umpire can not make a decision on a question of fact, the point shall be replayed. In team events where the referee is sitting on-court, the referee is also the final authority on questions of fact. Play may be stopped or suspended at any time the chair umpire decides it is necessary or appropriate. The referee may also stop or suspend play in the case of darkness, weather or adverse court conditions. When play is suspended for darkness, this should be done at the end of a set, or after an even number of games have been played in the set in progress. After a suspension in play, the score and position of players on-court in the match shall stand when the match resumes. The chair umpire or referee shall make decisions regarding continuous play and coaching in respect of any Code of Conduct that is approved and in operation. Case 1: The chair umpire awards the server a first service after an overrule, but the receiver argues that it should be a second service, since the server had already served a fault. Should the referee be called to court to give a decision? Decision: Yes. The chair umpire makes the first decision about questions of tennis law (issues relating to the application of specific facts). However, if a player appeals the chair umpire's decision, then the referee shall be called to make the final decision.

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