2017 Rules of Tennis (English)

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18 AMENDMENT TO THE RULES OF TENNIS The official and decisive text to the Rules of Tennis shall be for ever in the English language and no alteration or interpretation of such Rules shall be made except at an Annual General Meeting of the Council, nor unless notice of the resolution embodying such alteration shall have been received by the Federation in accordance with Article 17 of the Constitution of ITF Ltd (Notice of Resolutions) and such resolution or one having the like effect shall be carried by a majority of two-thirds of the votes recorded in respect of the same. Any alteration so made shall take effect as from the first day of January following unless the Meeting shall by the like majority decide otherwise. The Board of Directors shall have power, however, to settle all urgent questions of interpretation subject to confirmation at the General Meeting next following. This Rule shall not be altered at any time without the unanimous consent of a General Meeting of the Council.

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