2014 ITF Report & Accounts

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60 ITF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES (FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS) 15. Staff numbers and costs (cont.) The total staff costs of $8,795,000 (2013: $9,415,000), have been charged to the six departments as follows: 2014 2013 $000 $000 Professional Tennis 1,757 1,697 Tennis Development 1,678 1,749 Commercial 940 1,406 Presidential & Communications 2,251 2,213 Science & Technical 606 632 Finance & Administration 1,563 1,718 8,795 9,415 2014 2013 $000 $000 Executive Officers' remuneration 2,258 2,716 Pension contributions in respect of Executive Officers (note 17) 211 128 2,469 2,844 17. Pensions ITF Licensing (UK) Ltd has established a pension provision within the UK for its employees. Since 1997, contributions paid by the ITF towards the pension fund of an individual have been held in a fund specific to each individual, under a Group Personal Pension Scheme. Employees are not required to make any contributions to this fund, which provides benefits related to the value of the fund accumulated for each employee at the time of retirement. In 2014 there were contributions of $5,000 outstanding at the balance sheet date (2013: $26,000). The difference of $417,000 (2013: $591,000), between aggregate payroll costs and total staff costs relates to private healthcare, recruitment, temporary staff, training and other staff costs. 16. Executive Officers' remuneration Included in the salary costs of the departments is the remuneration of the Executive Officers, which for the purposes of these financial statements, is defined as the President, the Vice-President and the Executive Directors. The total Executive Officers' remuneration is:

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