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5 (iii) To determine that Ties shall not be played on the home courts of a Nation for an agreed period of time if in their opinion that Nation has demonstrated that it is unable to conduct a Tie in the manner required to maintain the ideals of the Competition. (iv) To suspend from the Competition for such period of time as they may determine, any tennis player, Captain, umpire or official who it is considered does not maintain at all times the high ideals of the Competition. (v) To have full authority to decide disputes arising in connection with all financial matters. (vi) To report to the Annual General Meeting on all financial matters. (vii) To amend the Regulations of the Competition consequently on decisions taken at an Annual General Meeting. (viii) To decide the scale of prize money and distribution of income from advertising based on decisions taken by an Annual General Meeting. (ix) To register in the name of the ITF any trade marks in connection with the Competition and to protect such trade marks. (x) Other duties as set out in these Regulations. Except for paragraph (i) above, no decision may be taken by the Board of Directors unless at least half the members are present, and all decisions shall be based on a majority vote. However, if a postal vote is called for by the Chairman, the required majority shall be two-thirds of the members. 9. THE DAVIS CUP COMMITTEE (a) The Board of Directors shall appoint every two years a Davis Cup Committee, which should consist of a Chairman, who shall be a member of the Board of Directors, and six further members. Each member shall be from a different Nation which has played in the Davis Cup Competition at least ten years. For the purpose of this Regulation the President of the ITF, if appointed as a member of this Committee, shall be deemed not to come from any Nation. (b) The duties and powers of the Davis Cup Committee shall be: (i) To manage the World Group and the Zonal Competitions. (ii) To ensure the uniform application of these Rules and Regulations and the Davis Cup Code of Conduct. (iii) To administer the funds of the Competition within the financial framework of the ITF. (iv) To use the funds of the ITF for any necessary expenditure in the general interests of the Competition. (v) To report to the Board of Directors on all financial matters. (vi) To request further details of the income and expenditure set out in a statement of account. (vii) To impose penalties laid down in these Regulations. (viii) To decide any appeals from National Associations from decisions of the ITF Executive on the eligibility of players to participate in the Davis Cup competition