2023 ITF Annual Review

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8 Financial Overview 2023 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW US$ million ITF major events: sponsorship, compe on and television income 73.87 Davis Cup licence fee (from Kosmos) 25.39 Sponsorship rights 28.61 Receipts from events 10.71 Hopman Cup 0.33 Media rights (including TV) and licensing income 8.82 Sale of tournament data rights: ITF World Tennis Tour, Davis Cup, Billie Jean King Cup 24.34 Income for interna onal tennis development 3.51 Grand Slam Player Development Programme 2.98 Olympic Solidarity and Interna onal Federa on grant 0.33 Other income for development 0.21 Olympics (income from IOC) 7.70 Other income 8.07 Subscrip ons from member Na onal Associa ons and authorisa on fees 3.65 Technical and sundry (including ITF tes ng and cer fica on programmes) 4.42 INCOME $117.48 MILLION TOTAL INCOME INVESTMENT $112.72m INCOME $117.48m Reinves ng the ITF's income to grow tennis globally In 2023, the ITF's income was $117.48 million, and we converted the vast majority, $112.72 million, into reinvestment to grow tennis around the world. Shown below is a breakdown of where our income came from in 2023, and where we reinvested this revenue during the year. Everything the ITF spends supports our goals under our ITF2024+4 strategy. The ITF's full 2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements are available at www.i over 90% REINVESTED

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