Tours and Player Pathway
The ITF World Tennis
Masters Tour provides
compe ve opportuni es
for tens of thousands of
players aged 30 and over
to test themselves within
their own age group, both
in their own country and
interna onally.
It features 13 age groups
and six levels of tournament,
singles and doubles
compe on, from entry
level to elite. Events are
held in Europe, Africa, North
America, South America,
Central America, Oceania
and Asia.
Rapid growth
The ITF Masters Tour has
expanded significantly in
recent years, and we set
new records in 2023 for
the number of tournaments,
players and matches (see
graphic right), having also
set records the previous year.
The ITF staged 552 Masters
tournaments, a 9% increase
on 2022, and these were
spread across 68 na ons,
seven more than in 2022.
By the end of 2023, a
record 42,300 people were
registered to compete on
the tour, 6,800 more than
in 2022. A record 36,604
players were ac ve on the
ITF Masters Tour in 2023.
There was strong growth
in the 30-34 age category,
with nearly four mes as
many registered players by
the end of 2023 compared
to 2021, when this youngest
group was introduced.