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16 Development ITF World Tennis Number (WTN) The ITF World Tennis Number (WTN) is a free, real- me skill-level ra ng for singles and doubles which can be used by all players, from recrea onal to elite standard. The ITF is extending the WTN's reach around the world, and in 2023 it launched in 19 more na ons. The WTN is an important part of our ITF2024+4 strategy as it is a key tool to get more people par cipa ng in tennis, and because the technology behind it means we are transforming digitally. It enables people of all ages to find opponents and doubles partners of a similar level, therefore crea ng more playing opportuni es. Through the WTN's roll- out, the ITF is building the world's largest online tennis community, and therefore a direct channel of communica on with thousands of players. By the end of June 2024, 171 Na onal Associa ons had signed up to adopt the WTN, with 46 na ons ac vely using it. Around the world, 1.89 million players have been assigned a WTN, calculated by an algorithm using a database of 29.1 million match records. This is es mated to be 85% of the available global playing data. Establishing the WTN is a mul -year project, and most people to date have obtained their WTNs via their Na onal Associa ons. In 2023 however we also launched our dedicated website,, which enables individuals to register for a WTN directly with us. This op on will be expanded in 2024. The WTN provides a standard measure of playing ability which can be used for entering tournaments instead of a ranking, making compe ve opportuni es accessible to more people. Since 2022, it has been