2023 ITF Annual Review

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2023 ITF Annual Review 2023 ITF Annual Review CONTENTS 4 Welcome by David Haggerty, ITF President 6 ITF2024+4 Strategy 7 Introduc on by Kelly Fairweather, ITF CEO 8 2023 Financial Overview 10 Advantage All 12 Development 26 Tours and Player Pathway 38 Major Events 46 Officia ng 48 Integrity and Wellbeing 54 Commercial 58 Technology and Digital 60 ITF Board of Directors, member Na onal Associa ons and affiliated Regional Associa ons TENNIS BENEFITS FROM INTERNATIONAL STARS AT THE ELITE LEVEL - BOTH MEN AND WOMEN - WHO PROVIDE FANTASTIC INSPIRATION AND ROLE MODELS FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS TO PICK UP A RACKET. 3

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