2023 ITF Annual Report & Financial Statements

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9 details for the remainder of the organisa on, reviews and approves proposed salary increase and benefits for consistency and fairness. The Remunera on Commi ee reports to the first Board mee ng of the year on the percentages applied during the previous annual salary and bonus review, in line with internal and external factors. The Remunera on Commi ee's Board members led by an 'ac ng chair' conduct super-execu ve sessions at the March and November Board mee ngs. • March: review and finalise the President's annual objec ves for the year • November: discuss the President's performance against the objec ves and determine the President's bonus for the current year, and salary for the next year. The remaining directors receive no remunera on for their services, but are reimbursed for expenses incurred in carrying out their du es in accordance with the ITF's expenses policy. Decisions and Appeals The ITF has appeal procedures, which are fully detailed in the Cons tu on and the regula ons for the individual compe ons. Risk Management The ITF is exposed to a variety of risk factors which are assessed on a regular basis. Policies to minimise financial risks include insurance cover, currency hedging, long-term commercial contracts and the prudent and limited u lisa on of financial reserves (e.g. for Strategic Ini a ves) to invest in the ITF's infrastructure and maintain programmes. The Board places great emphasis on its risk management policies and internal controls. It receives regular reports on risk management issues from management, including a summary risk register covering all ITF ac vity. The detailed risk register is reviewed by the Audit & Risk Commi ee and other commi ees review the sec ons of the detailed risk register relevant to their ac vity. The ITF also uses external consultants to advise on poten al risks and security at ITF events. Safeguarding The ITF has appointed a Safeguarding Manager and Safeguarding Team Lead to lead on implemen ng a new safeguarding strategy across all ITF ac vi es. This will involve developing up-to-date safeguarding policies including safe recruitment, robust procedures for dealing with concerns and delivering training both internally with all ITF departments, and interna onally with Regional and Na onal Associa ons. Safeguarding is detailed on the ITF risk register acknowledging that there is not just a risk of harm to exis ng par cipants in tennis, but also a wider organisa onal risk of non-recent allega ons coming to light as experienced in other spor ng environments. Embedding a culture of safeguarding is vital to prevent harassment and abuse of vulnerable groups. It is also key in providing safe, inclusive environments to ensure that the ITF's stated purpose of ensuring the long-term growth and sustainability of tennis is realised. Ethical Standards All Board and commi ee members, directors, managers and employees are expected to act with the utmost integrity and objec vity, striving at all mes to enhance the reputa on and performance of the ITF. All Board members and commi ee/commission members are bound by the ITF Code of Ethics (effec ve 1 January 2 019). This includes a requirement to declare any conflict of interest (perceived or otherwise) they may have in ma ers before the Board or commi ee, and provides for how such conflicts should be managed (including not vo ng or par cipa ng in the debate, or leaving the room). The Code of Ethics also includes du es of honesty, respect and confiden ality, prohibi ons against bribery and corrup on, rules rela ng to candidates for elec on and bidding processes, and a duty to report poten al breaches. ITF Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023

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