2023 ITF Annual Report & Financial Statements

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40 40. Subsequent events At the year-end, the ITF had not renewed the lease agreement for the offices in Roehampton, London which was due to end on 12 February 2023. The ITF have security of tenure under the exis ng lease while a new lease is being nego ated. The dilapida ons provision has been maintained at the prior year level on expected terms of the new lease, but remains a non-current liability at the balance sheet date as it is deemed virtually certain that a new lease will be agreed. As the terms of a new lease have not been agreed, there are no right-of-use asset or lease liability in the financial statements at the end of 2023. 41. Related par es The ITF is a member organisa on and undertakes rou ne transac ons every year with its members such as subscrip on income and prize money payable for team compe ons. Where the group enters into a transac on with a member organisa on which is not rou ne it shall be disclosed separately in the financial statements. During 2022, the Kazakhstan Tennis Federa on, whose president Mr Bulat Utemuratov is a director of ITF Limited, provided funding to the group of $648,000 for the 12-and-under team compe on development programme. No such funding was provided in 2023. No other non-rou ne member organisa on transac ons arose during the year. 42. Liabili es from financing ac vi es Leases $000 Net debt as at 1 January 2022 (772) Cash flows 712 Interest expense (10) Foreign exchange movements (1) Net debt as at 31 December 2022 (71) Net debt as at 1 January 2023 (71) Cash flows 75 Interest expense (2) Foreign exchange movements (2) Net debt as at 31 December 2023 - NOTES (CONTINUED, FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS) Notes

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