2023 ITF Annual Report & Financial Statements

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12 Consolidated Income Statement CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Note 2023 $000 Opera ng 2023 $000 Strategic 2023 $000 Inves ng 2023 $000 Total 2022 $000 Opera ng 2022 $000 Strategic 2022 $000 Inves ng 2022 $000 Total Income Subscrip ons and authorisa on fees 3,654 - - 3,654 3,477 - - 3,477 Sponsorship, compe on and television 7 73,869 - - 73,869 60,734 - - 60,734 Data sales 24,335 - - 24,335 20,756 - - 20,756 Grand Slam Player Development Programme 2,978 - - 2,978 2,653 - - 2,653 Wheelchair Tennis Development Fund - - - - 44 - - 44 Olympics 7,695 - - 7,695 7,818 - - 7,818 Olympic Solidarity 327 - - 327 287 - - 287 Other development income 206 - - 206 895 - - 895 An -doping - - - - 21 - - 21 Technical and sundry 4,419 - - 4,419 1,618 - - 1,618 Total income before accoun ng for joint venture 8 117,483 - - 117,483 98,303 - - 98,303 Profit realised on transfer of IP 26 4,283 - - 4,283 - - - - Share of (loss) / profit of joint ventures accounted for using the equity method 26 (1,815) - - (1,815) - - - - Total income 119,951 - - 119,951 98,303 - - 98,303 Expenses Professional Tennis 9 81,633 2,681 - 84,314 59,851 1,249 - 61,100 Tennis Development 10 11,980 1,244 - 13,224 10,531 1,441 - 11,972 Commercial 11 3,016 - - 3,016 3,993 - - 3,993 Presiden al and Communica ons 12 5,380 - - 5,380 5,665 - - 5,665 Integrity, Science and Technical 13 8,505 - - 8,505 3,875 - - 3,875 Finance and Administra on 14 8,093 - 55 8,148 6,833 - 291 7,124 Foreign exchange (gain) / loss 15 (916) - - (916) (275) - - (275) Amor sa on 23 1,426 - - 1,426 1,387 276 - 1,663 Deprecia on 24 172 - - 172 856 - - 856 Wheelchair Tennis Development Fund 15 - - 15 - - - - Total expenses 119,304 3,925 55 123,284 92,716 2,966 291 95,973 Investment gains / (losses) 20 – – 3,658 3,658 – – (4,726) (4,726) Surplus / (deficit) before financing 647 (3,925) 3,603 325 5,587 (2,966) (5,017) (2,396) Finance income 21 48 - - 48 14 - (4) 10 Finance costs - - - - (10) - - (10) Net finance income / (expense) 48 - - 48 4 - (4) - Surplus / (deficit) before tax 695 (3,925) 3,603 373 5,591 (2,966) (5,021) (2,396) Taxa on 22 - - - - - (39) - (39) Surplus / (deficit) surplus a er tax 695 (3,925) 3,603 373 5,591 (3,005) (5,021) (2,435) The notes on pages 17 to 40 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. for the year ended 31 December 2023

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