2023 ITF Annual Report & Financial Statements

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31 In 2023, deprecia on of right-of-use assets of $90,200 (2022: $602,000) and a foreign exchange gain or loss of $2,499 (2022: loss $2,000) was charged to the income statement. There were no addi ons to right-of-use assets during 2023 (2022: nil). Further details are provided in note 40. In 2023, interest expenses (included in finance cost) of $2,000 (2022: $10,000) and a foreign exchange gain or loss of $2,000 (2022: loss $1,000) were included in the income statement. 28. Inventories Inventories recognised as an expense during the year ended 31 December 2023 amounted to $181,000 (2022: $383,000). 29. Trade and other receivables 2023 $000 2022 $000 Right-of-use assets Buildings - 85 2023 $000 2022 $000 Finished goods 139 90 2023 $000 2022 $000 Lease liabili es Current - 71 - 71 2023 $000 2022 $000 Trade receivables 36,955 15,993 Other receivables 3,592 4,157 Corpora on tax debtor - 402 Prepayments 650 845 Contract assets 15,964 8,075 57,161 29,472 27. Leases The balance sheet shows the following amounts rela ng to leases: ITF Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023

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