2022 ITF Annual Report and Financial Statements

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ITF Trust Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022 23 8. Revenue from contracts with customers a) Disaggrega on of revenue from contracts with customers The group derived revenue from the transfer of goods and services over me and at a point in me for the following revenue streams: Timing of revenue recogni on Timing of revenue recogni on Point in me 2022 $000 Over me 2022 $000 Point in me 2021 $000 Over me 2021 $000 Subscrip ons and authorisa on fees 979 2,499 945 2,429 Sponsorship, compe on and television 17,188 43,544 4,094 30,705 Data sales - 20,756 - 11,363 Development Fund income (GSPDP and WTDF) 2,698 - 1,125 - Olympics – 7,818 1,065 7,762 An -doping 21 – 3 4,729 Other income 1,645 1,155 1,633 721 22,531 75,772 8,865 57,709 The group does not expect to have any contracts where the period between the transfer of the promised goods or services to the customer and payment by the customer exceeds one year. As a consequence, the group does not adjust any of the transac on prices for the me value of money. b) Assets and liabili es related to contracts with customers The group has recognised the following assets and liabili es related to contracts with customers: 2022 $000 2021 $000 Current contract assets (see note 28) 8,075 3,813 Current contract liabili es 24,256 24,967 Non-current contract liabili es – 7,757 Total contract liabili es (see note 35) 24,256 32,724 Contract assets increased in line with the increased ac vity and revenue of the group as ac vi es con nued to recover a er the pandemic. Contract liabili es decreased with the u lisa on of one year of the Olympic deferred income arising from Tokyo 2020. In 2022, $25.0m was recognised as revenue that was included as a contract liability at the beginning of the year (2021: $18.7m).

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