2022 ITF Annual Report and Financial Statements

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ITF Trust Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022 14 Note(s) 2022 $000 2021 $000 Non-current assets Intangible assets 23 2,355 2,767 Property, plant and equipment 24 289 311 Right-of-use assets 26 85 634 Deriva ve financial instruments 30 83 – Security deposit – restricted cash 31 25,390 25,379 28,202 29,091 Current assets Inventories 27 90 265 Trade and other receivables 28 29,472 15,840 Investments 29 40,679 65,365 Cash at bank and in hand 19,319 14,951 89,560 96,421 Total assets 117,762 125,512 Current liabili es Trade and other payables 32 49,993 46,490 Lease liabili es 26 71 693 Deriva ve financial instruments 33 1,897 163 Total current liabili es 51,961 47,346 Total assets less current liabili es 65,801 78,166 Non-current liabili es Lease liabili es 26 – 79 Provisions 34 200 519 Deferred income (Olympics) 35 – 7,757 Security deposit 31 25,390 25,379 Total non-current liabili es 25,590 33,734 Net assets 40,211 44,432 Represented by Total equity 40,211 44,432 The notes on pages 17 to 39 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. The financial statements on pages 12 to 39 were approved by the Board of Directors on 21 March 2023 and signed on its behalf by: David Haggerty René Stammbach President Chairman, Finance & Audit Commi ee at 31 December 2022 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

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