2022 ITF Annual Review

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2022 ITF World Tennis Tour in numbers 2022 ITF Annual Review 29 TOURS AND PLAYER PATHWAY M25 level, a 31% increase on pre- pandemic numbers, and total prize money of nearly $10 million. Collabora ve approach Our Player Panels have been effec ve at providing feedback to help us improve standards at tournaments, and we are building communica on with our vast playing community through use of social media. A renewed focus on the quality and standard of ITF World Tennis Tour tournaments led to the launch of a weekly player feedback survey in 2022. We had more than 2,500 responses, with the average overall tournament experience being recorded as 'good'. The ITF met regularly with the WTA and ATP in 2022 to discuss strategic and opera onal issues. In July the ATP and ITF were joined in Brazil by regional associa on COSAT, representa ves from our member Na onal Associa ons in South America, and private promoters for a two-day conference and collabora on to discuss opportuni es for tournament growth in the con nent. PLAYERS 10,216 65 tournaments held in countries 33,553 qualifying matches 47,016 main draw matches 32,658 singles 14,358 doubles 1,059 tournaments 526 men's 533 women's A record $25m total prize money

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