2022 ITF Annual Review

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2022 ITF Annual Review 50 Governance We con nued our Governance Review in 2022 with the goal of improving ITF leadership, structure and transparency in line with the latest good prac ce in sports and business. The ITF's progress in this area received a boost in 2022 from the findings of the ASOIF (Associa on of Summer Olympic Interna onal Federa ons) governance review. The review surveyed all ASOIF's affiliated interna onal sports federa ons in 2021, examining key indicators of governance. The ITF was in the highest scoring group, and we also improved our score from the previous review. In 2022, the ITF took an important step towards greater gender balance within the leadership of global tennis when our member Na onal Associa ons voted at the ITF Annual General Mee ng in favour of amending the ITF Cons tu on to introduce minimum gender representa on requirements on the ITF Board of Directors. The ITF's member na ons elect the ITF Board – and President – every four years. These reforms, which come into effect in 2027, mean that the ITF Board must include a minimum of five women and five men. Specifically, of the 14 elected Board members, there must be a minimum of four women and four men, and the two athlete representa ves must consist of one man and one woman. There are no gender requirements for the President. For the 2023 ITF Presiden al and Board elec ons taking place this September, we will introduce electronic vo ng for the first me, ensuring greater efficiency but always maintaining the highest standards of integrity. These will be the second ITF elec ons conducted under the ITF Code of Ethics and managed by an independent Elec on Panel, following the Code's introduc on in 2019. We con nue to consult with member na ons and our affiliated Regional Associa ons on other cons tu onal reforms, with good levels of engagement, and plan to present an updated ITF Cons tu on to na ons ahead of the 2024 ITF AGM. Safeguarding and wellbeing The ITF promotes safe and inclusive tennis at all levels and strives to be a global leader in safeguarding. Development and implementa on of the ITF's safeguarding strategy has focused on educa on to raise awareness of safeguarding issues and on the responsibility of everyone to keep tennis a safe sport for all par cipants. INTEGRITY AND WELLBEING We have worked in partnership with our member na ons to inves gate safeguarding reports and concerns, and have supported Na onal and Regional Associa ons in developing safeguarding provision within their own organisa on and events. During the Mental Health in Tennis Summit (see more over the page) the impact of 'non-accidental violence' was recognised as a poten al key risk factor on the mental health and wellbeing of tennis players. Key stakeholders and external partners across the sport reached consensus that comprehensive safeguarding is key to the preven on of harassment and abuse. The ITF is focusing on robust safeguarding provisions for players compe ng in ITF tours, events and ac vi es.

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