ITFWorld Spring 2022

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ALGERIA MAURITANIA GHANA TOGO COTE D'IVORE SENEGAL " A few African players have made their dreams a reality, thanks to the opportunities put in place by the ITF… Eliakim Coulibaly has shown considerable promise North West Africa C L I C K FO R M A P V I E W DEVELOPMENT CÔTE D'IVOIRE GHANA Ivory Coast has been on the verge of a breakthrough for many years. Arnaud Segodo, a great hope of the 1990s, and the N'Goran brothers Claude and Clément, were all from Côte d'Ivoire, and now 19-year-old Eliakim Coulibaly is arguably West Africa's best hope of a top-100 player. For many years, the country's tennis infrastructure was allowed to decay, but the government has given the national tennis association responsibility to manage all tennis facilities in the capital, Abijan, and the association has taken a number of abandoned courts and resurfaced them. With JTI coordinators responsible for many of these renovated courts, you don't have to go far in Abijan to find good coaching on quality courts. The work of the Ghanian tennis federation is currently being augmented by an independent initiative led by a coach/entrepreneur with his own foundation which organises around six junior events each year. The foundation has a national training centre in Winneba, which in the global picture is very basic and quite small, but in the context of Ghana is really big. There is no big budget, the JTI sites are run by volunteers, and the coaches are living off the subsidy they get from the Junior Tennis Initiative, but it is a sizeable start.

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