ITF Global Tennis Report 2021

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6 • ITF Global Tennis Report 2021 Introduc on by Luca San lli, ITF Execu ve Director, Tennis Development Following the inaugural ITF Global Tennis Report 2019 we have con nued to work with our member Na onal Associa ons to track and collect meaningful data on tennis par cipa on and performance worldwide. With this latest report, we can be er define the worldwide tennis landscape in 2021 following one of the most challenging periods in tennis history due to the pandemic. Increasing par cipa on in tennis worldwide for all ages, genders, playing standards and physical abili es is one of the two core objec ves of the ITF's 2021-2024 Development Strategy, as the grassroots level is where it all begins. In 2018 we started a journey of digital transforma on to ensure that we could gather data to inform our strategy, and so that our investment is underpinned by data-driven and metrics-based insight. We learned in the 2019 report that 41 na ons accounted for 90% of the total number of players, coaches, clubs and courts in the world. So, for the ITF Global Tennis Report 2021, we have focused on gathering the latest data from these na ons only, as we track our progress towards the ITF's long-term objec ve of growing the total player popula on to 120 million by 2030. The result is that we now have a more accurate baseline figure of over 87 million people who play tennis in the 41 surveyed na ons. The wealth of data contained in the ITF Global Tennis Report 2021 enables the ITF to monitor the evolving tennis landscape, measure the impact of our investment in growing and retaining par cipa on in the sport, and helps us to target resources be er. We know, for example, that the current gender split among players in these na ons is 59% men, 41% women, and that 22.3% of coaches in these na ons are women. By looking closer at individual na on and regional data, we can shape the next steps in our gender equality strategy Advantage All. The headline figures are enlightening, but so too is the detailed picture at na onal and regional level, where varia ons emerge. The ITF Global Tennis Report 2021 contains a report for each contribu ng Na onal Associa on, providing their latest par cipa on data compared to the data collected in 2018 for the 2019 report. Comparisons can be made for metrics about players, access to tennis and coaches. This report covers a period in which all our lives have been affected by Covid-19. Despite the global pandemic's many devasta ng consequences, it is pleasing to see that more than 50% of na ons reported an increase in tennis par cipa on in their countries compared to other sports or physical ac vi es. However, it is not surprising that, as with many sports, tennis has seen access to facili es, ac vi es in schools and clubs, and the work of thousands of tennis coaches nega vely impacted by Covid-19. But despite significant disrup on to usual ac vity, the ITF Global Tennis Report 2021 shows that tennis is a growing sport, with a rise in par cipa on of 4.5% in the 41 contribu ng na ons. It highlights that tennis con nues to be a healthy and safe sport for all, and focuses us on our ongoing mission of providing opportuni es for more people to play. Welcome to the ITF Global Tennis Report 2021. We are delighted to publish this second report and share its findings with you.

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