ITFWorld Winter 2020

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ITF World Winter 2020 07 The first virtual annual general meeting in the 107-year history of the ITF took place in November, with a total of 235 delegates representing 132 national associations tuning in from around the world. This year's AGM had been due to take place in Madrid ahead of the second edition of the Davis Cup by Rakuten Finals but was changed to a virtual event due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Three resolutions were passed by national associations at the meeting. The first approved motion was the removal of all gender-biased language in the ITF constitution, which will be replaced with gender-neutral language. Additionally, the AGM delegates approved a change in the maximum number of Vice-Presidents elected each term from three to four, agreeing also that the ITF would assert jurisdiction over virtual or simulated versions of traditional tennis (e-tennis). Among other matters discussed, the national associations of Burundi, Laos, Macau, Maldives, Seychelles and Tanzania moved from Class C membership to Class B membership, giving each nation one vote at the ITF AGM. The national associations of Portugal and Ukraine increased their vote shares from three to five. Finally, nine awards for services to the game were presented – all of which were approved unanimously. The recipients were: Calton Enrique Alvarez Aguilar (HON), Hans-Peter Born (GER), Slah Bramly (TUN), Margalita Chakhnashivili-Ranzinger (GEO), Marina Marienko (RUS), Barry McMillan (AUS), Toshiro Sakai (JPN), Aliaksandra Sasnovich (BLR) and Ian Barclay (AUS). The 2021 ITF Conference AGM is scheduled to take place in Madrid, Spain ahead of the Davis Cup Finals in November. in the main draw at a Grand Slam and is the first to be ranked within the Top 200 – a fantastic achievement. She and others have spoken about the hugely positive impact such grants have had on their careers and, as we enter its 35th year, the Grand Slam Development Fund is undoubtedly a great initiative. Advantage All Advantage All and the Gender Equality in Tennis programmes are important elements in reaching our ITF2024 goal to elevate the women's game. Both continue to gain momentum. I would like to thank our sponsor and partner, Global Sports Development, who have renewed their commitment to Advantage All for an additional three years so we can achieve our goals and objectives. I must also thank the national and regional associations who have already actioned Gender Equality in Tennis locally. It is important that every nation makes this an integral part of their tennis federation's constitution and culture. Stakeholder collaboration In March, when tennis competition came to a halt, the tennis stakeholders worked together in several areas: professional player grants, the calendar and the return to professional tennis. Leading the Return to Tennis was a key objective of the group. In mid-November, the Tennis Stakeholders – ATP, WTA, the four Grand Slams and the ITF – agreed to fund a consultant project to identify and align ways in which tennis stakeholders could collaborate to maximise commercial value and engagement of nations, players and fans. This project will begin in February 2021 and we are optimistic that we can work together as a sport in a stronger and more efficient manner to help tennis reach its full potential. The future I would once again like to thank the ITF's member nations, the ITF Board and our commissions, committees and partners for their energy and efforts which have enabled millions of tennis players from top professionals to recreational players get back on courts around the world. As we continue to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, I want to reinforce the message that the ITF is more energised than ever and committed to delivering for our member nations and the tennis world during these uncertain times. Together, the ITF, its member nations and the regional associations will continue to anticipate, adapt and lead the Return to Tennis in 2021. n Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games Through my role as an IOC member and as an international federation, the ITF has been involved throughout the process of the postponement of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, as well as the planning for next year's Games. The Japanese government, Tokyo government and Local Organising Committee have all expressed their confidence that the Games will take place as planned in 2021. We continue to be confident and look forward with great anticipation as we prepare for the Olympic and Paralympic Tennis Events. ITF World Tennis Number One of our most important upcoming strategic projects is ITF World Tennis Number, which will be launched from January. ITF World Tennis Number is an ambitious digital project that will establish a single global rating for players of all ages, abilities and genders and grow tennis participation in all nations. Momentum is building with 40 nations already signed up and set to launch the platform to their players from next year. ITF World Tennis Number is featured in greater detail on pages 18-19, but we are excited about where we are and where we will be at the end of 2021. Development The ITF's commitment to global development is as strong as ever and we are committed to supporting our national association members. Participation will be a key theme in 2021 as we launch the next phase of the development strategy to achieve our goal of 30 million new players by 2030. Achieving this goal will require close cooperation with our members nations. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Australian Open, Roland Garros, Wimbledon and the US Open for their commitment to the Grand Slam Development Fund (GSDF) since 1986. The GSDF provides international professional player grants, junior touring teams and coaches, and junior and professional tournament grants to support the development of top players from countries and regions around the world. The value of such grants is there for all to see when considering someone like Mayar Sherif, who was one of 29 players from 22 countries to receive an International Player Grand Slam Grant, financed by the Grand Slam Development Fund, in 2020. At Roland Garros in September, Mayar became the first Egyptian woman to compete VIRTUAL ITF CONFERENCE AND AGM CLICK FOR VIDEO

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