given in the European Standard for Sports Lighting, EN 12193:2008, can be applied.
Environmental zones Light on properties Luminaire intensity Upward light
(lux) I (cd) ULR (%)
E1 (intrinsically dark areas) 2 2500 0
E2 (low district brightness areas) 5 7500 5
E3 (medium district brightness areas) 10 10 000 15
E4 (high district brightness areas) 25 25 000 25
Table 5. Limitation on properties, brightness and sky glow - Maximum obtrusive light (EN 12193).
is the maximum value of vertical illuminance on properties.
I is the light intensity of each source in the potentially obtrusive direction.
ULR is the proportion of the flux of the luminaire(s) that is emitted above the horizontal when the
luminaire(s) is (are) installed.
Note: Lower values may apply in relation with Light on properties and Luminaire intensity where
curfews are implemented.
Road lighting classification according CIE 115-1995
No road lighting M5 M4/M3 M2/M1
TI 15% based on
adaption luminance
of 0.1 cd/m²
15% based on
adaption luminance
of 1 cd/m²
15% based on
adaption luminance
of 2 cd/m²
15% based on
adaption luminance
of 5 cd/ m²
Table 6. Limitation of effect on road users - Maximum values of threshold increment (EN 12193)
TI calculation as given in EN 13201-3.